20 Years of Making a Difference for Young Parents in the Northwest

  • Helping Hands, Kind Hearts: Thank You to Neighbourly and Marks and Spencer

    Neighbourly and Marks & Spencer donations change lives

  • Sleep Out for Homelessness, 16 December 2022, Derry

    First Housing would like to thank everyone that helped with the Sleep Out for Homelessness, on 16th December 22, to raise funds for supporting homelessness.

    A special thanks goes to Jackie Little, a concerned member of the public, for organising the event, and to each and everyone that donated to this worthy cause. One hundred percent of all funds raised will be used in support of homelessness services in Northern Ireland.

  • Mayor to launch special 24-Hour Busk to raise funds for homelessness in Derry

    The Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council has called for local artists and businesses to get involved with her special 24-Hour Busk to raise worthy funds for her chosen charity.

    Mayor of Derry and Strabane, Cllr Sandra Duffy, has chosen First Housing Aid and Support Services as her dedicated charity for her year in office, and will host a number of fundraising events throughout the year, with the 24-Hour Busk being the largest one to date.

  • First Housing Aid and Support Services Celebrates 20 Years of Making a Difference for Young Parents in the Northwest

    On Friday 11th November, the Mayor of Derry and Strabane Council Sandra Duffy hosted a celebration event in the Guildhall to celebrate First Housings’ Young Parents Project which has been delivering supported accommodation to very young parents and their children in the Northwest for over two decades.

  • Trade union ‘honoured’ to make first donation to Mayor’s chosen charity

    Saoirse Fanning, Unison NEC, handing over a cheque for £300 for the Mayor's Charity "First Housing", to Mayor Sandra Duffy. Unison members included, from left, Niall McCarroll, Elaine Hodgson, Eileen Nicholl, Alison Hamilton, Eamon McGeehan and Paul McCartney. (Photo - Tom Heaney, nwpresspics)

  • Leading homeless charities tell Stormont committee no going back to “business as usual”

    Today, chief executives from Northern Ireland’s largest homeless service providers briefed the Committee for Communities on how they kept vital support services going during the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Ho, Ho, Ho Secret Santa

    My oh my, look at this donation received into Head Office today for our residents in our supported accommodation projects in Derry city. The bags are stuffed full of presents!

    A very special Derry Girl ( you know who you are! ) made this donation.

    Thank you for your amazing act of generosity.

    #derrygirl, #howmanysleeps

  • Jimmy Brolly

    The affection that the people of Derry had for Jimmy, has been evident since his passing through the huge outpouring of sadness and stories on social media and in and around Derry City.
    First Housing would like to send a big thank you to all who donated towards Jimmy's funeral and to Mark H Durkan, MLA who set up the fundraiser. An amazing £2,959 was raised over two days.

    Sadly missed by his friends in Damien House and the staff and management of First Housing.

  • Cup of Tea and a Slice of Cake

    Young People at Francis Street held a Charity Afternoon Tea 27th June 2019 to raise funds for Relay for Life, Cancer Research.

  • Glass Half Full

    A former street drinker and some young people from our supported accommodation in Derry/Londonderry came together this summer to make a film about how their homelessness is perceived by others. The result was a thought provoking film about being labelled homeless. How many times is the word HOME spoken ?