Accommodation Services
Accommodation Services - Young People
First Housing has two projects for young people in Derry City - Francis Street and Jefferson Court. Both are in the city centre.
Francis Street has 9 self contained apartments.
Jefferson Court has 25, comprising of a mixture of studio and one bedroom flats.
Francis Street

If we can’t help you we will find someone who can
Our projects work in partnership with the Western Health and Social Care Trust 16+ team and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) to meet the support needs of young vulnerable people and young care leavers for whom main stream temporary accommodation or statutory care units have not worked.
What you get
Your own key to fully furnished quality accommodation
A safe environment with 24 hour support, 365 days of the year.
Assistance from your Support Worker who will make time available for you
Encouragement to learn the skills necessary to live independently and enable you to make your own choices and decisions
Information on benefits, education and training, and managing your own budget
Francis Street is excellent accommodation. An exemplar of partnership working
Jefferson Court can be used as a great stepping-stone to building lasting confidence to live out on your own
We have freedom to be what we want to be here
My place of safety